Our Challenge

As Faith Presbyterian celebrated its 50th year as a church in 2023, it served more people than ever before. God has grown Faith steadily over the last few years and we now have a record number of worshippers in attendance.

We are at a defining moment with our facility. Our growth has forced us to use every available space across campus.

We are at a defining moment generationally. The fastest growing demographic in our church are people under age of 40. The average age of the congregation is 33.

As God has grown Faith, we’ve taken every measure to accommodate people:

  • We have two full worship services while also utilizing overflow rooms.

  • We’ve purchased new chairs to maximize the number of seats in the current worship space.

  • Adult groups have no space to meet on Sunday mornings, requiring the use of off-campus space for new Kingdom Communities.

  • The nursery has reached capacity and we have no room for Mother’s Day Out.

  • For the first time in our church’s history, we’ve had over 1,000 people in attendance on a Sunday apart from holidays.